Welcome Steve Finlay

MBHL is happy to announce that Steve Finlay will be joining our team.  His role will be Director of Communications.  Moving forward starting in the fall 2022 season, Steve will be dealing with all communications with our captains and players.  As he integrates into this role, he will be involved in many other aspects of the league over time.  Many of you know Steve well from his role as one of the managers at Club Dome and he will be continuing to do this as well, so when you are there and see him, feel free to discuss all matters MBHL and share with him your thoughts and ideas to improve our league.  Steve’s experience in the league and other endeavors that he has undertaken will make him a great addition to MBHL.  Erik Goldie will continue to deal with our player rankings and getting our historical stats into the new site.  Jeff Howells will continue to be our league manager liaison and manage the youth league.  Rich Provost continues to deal with referees and suspensions.  Norm Plouffe will be helping Steve get going along with starting our Fall masters, legends and happy hour leagues.  Norm is the contact for summer playoff scheduling as that season winds down. Steve can be reached at [email protected] and all captains should be expecting a Fall follow up email from him shortly.